Thursday, January 15, 2009

Google Apps or Microsoft Office?

Choosing software to make our lives easier is getting much more complex. Doesn’t make much since, right? Microsoft has always assured us in having an amazing easy suite of applications; Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc. All of a sudden, suites start popping up online everywhere. Internet search-giant Google has come to market with a reliable and low cost suite of web-based tools: word processing, spreadsheets, calendar, e-mail, and more, all packaged as Google Apps. There are then the rest of the gang following behind such as Zoho, ThinkFree, and Corel’s new WordPerfect Lightning; not to mention the handful of open-source applications such as OpenOffice and StarOffice. All of these feature the ability to do word processing, spreadsheets, and more. However, which do you choose? What will give you the most for your money or is less really more?
for more info

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