Thursday, January 15, 2009

Optimus Maximus Keyboard

Introducing the Optimus Maximus OLED keyboard. This could be one of the most pointless items we have reviewed here on Pointless But Cool. I still want one. So, what is it I hear you ask? Well, it's a standard keyboard with a difference. Each button contains a little screen.

The keyboard connects to your PC via USB and is configured through the included software. You can choose what graphic you want on each button for specific applications and integrate some of the tools in some programs.

The keyboard has 113 buttons, each with it's little screen. Imagine the hours of fun you could have with that, sat in a dark room..

I would like to try and teach someone to type in a room with the sun streaming through the windows and all the lights on, then we will see what this beast can do, if anything in those conditions.

If you are partial to the odd game of solitaire or one of those weird shooting games then this could be of use. But, I think paying almost a grand for a keyboard is a bit excessive when you could just print out some stickers and shove em' on a cheapy old keyboard.

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